By entering this website you are confirming that you understand and accept this website is administered by a Charity named "Help Myself Charitable Trust" and its content does not imply legal advice nor does any comment from its officers, administrators or associated persons whether verbal or written mean that legal advice has been given.
Help Myself Charitable Trust exists as a resource for people who are interested in acting as a self-litigant in Family Court or Disputes Tribunal proceedings. Before deciding to act as a self-litigant, we encourage users of this website to seek out other sources of legal information, including but not limited to the Citizen's Advice Bureau ( and Community Law ( and that if legal advice is sought, to contact a person with a practicing certificate.
According to the New Zealand Law Society, a practising certificate certifies that the holder is a fit and proper person to practice law and allows them to describe themselves as 'a lawyer'. It is an offence for someone without a current practising certificate to describe themselves as a lawyer.
Unless otherwise stated, persons associated with the Help Myself Charitable Trust and website, are not lawyers.